Tuesday, September 23, 2008

More Fox News Just Making Stuff Up.

Came across this today from Fox News' John Gibson, in a piece about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:
"Fannie and Freddie have been creations of the congressional Democrats and the Clinton White House, designed to make mortgages available to more people and, as it turns out, some people who couldn't afford them."
Really?  Maybe Mr. Gibson should try fact-checking his commentary.  On the other hand, if he was relegated to speaking the truth, he wouldn't have much to say (as would be the case with most of Fox News).

In fact, Fannie Mae was created in 1938, as part of FDR's "New Deal."  Bill Clinton was born in 1946.  I'm hard pressed to grasp how Fannie was a creation of the Clinton White House, when it was created 8 years before Clinton was even born.

Freddie Mac was created in 1970, during Richard Nixon's presidency.  For those of you from Mars, Nixon was a Republican. 

Gibson was right in that both entities were created by Democrat-controlled congresses.  So, even a blind pig occasionally finds a truffle.

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