Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Rush Limbaugh Concedes Obama Victory!

So I'm listening to Rush Limbaugh this morning just to hear the pre-debate spin, and lo-and-behold, he declares Barack Obama is going to win the election.

Sort of.

Actually, Limbaugh went on about how the Zogby poll had Obama with a not-quite 3-percent lead over John McCain.  Limbaugh then noted that he pays special attention to Zogby because that poll has been accurate in predicting past presidential elections.

As you may recall, yesterday I posted my belief that Obama would win in a landslide, and that part of that opinion comes from John Zogby, who is predicting a Reagan v. Carter, 1980 style landslide victory for Obama.

My hunch is that Limbaugh was unaware that Zogby has preliminarily called the election for Obama, but certainly if Limbaugh believes Zogby gets it right, then he must believe that Obama will win in a landslide.

Of course, I base this entire statement on the old tried-and-true mathematical theorem - if A=B and B=C, then A=C.  So it must be true.  Limbaugh concedes victory to Obama.


Anonymous said...

Last week, you and I disagreed on this point of an Obama landslide. I was certain that this thing would tighten up as the campaign came to a close.

But I guess my thinking in that regard was based on (1) the belief that McCain wouldn't keep stepping on his own d!ck, and (2) that the news would start to mellow out a bit on the economic front. But neither is happening. McCain still appears very erratic, the McCain/Palin rallies are starting to sound like KKK meetings, and we now appear to be right in the middle of a stock market crash of historic proportions.

Geesus, Obama just took an eight point lead in West Virgina of all places, and the polls in Montana are starting to tighten up. And Missouri and North Carolina are virtual dead heats; and although McCain is still ahead in Indiana, it's not by much. And all this is happening despite McCain/Palin's personal attacks on Obama. Incredible.

I'm waiting to see what the report coming out of Alaska today will say about Sarah Palin and her role in the TrooperGate Scandal. I have a feeling that it won't be good for the Republican ticket.

Martin said...

I think the difference this year is that nobody cares about the character attacks. The more Republicans talk about Ayers, Wright, et al, the more voters tune out.

That crap appeals solely to a small element within the GOP base - namely those people too dumb to understand policy or economics.

In particular, independents, on whom this election will turn, are turned off by that stuff - that's why they're independents.

For the same reason, I don't think the Troopergate report will matter much. Nobody cares, and Palin's bubble has long-since burst.

Harold said...

I think you're right about the TrooperGate stuff. Even the mainstream media don't seem to have much interest in it. Maybe that will change if the report really hurts Palin,; but even if it does, Obama/Biden should simply ignore it.

But there is talk that the committee in Alaska won't release the result of the inquiry anyway, so this speculation may all be for naught.