Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bush's economic genius on display

Sometimes I can only scratch my head and wonder. I mean, it's easy to make snide remarks about George W. Bush's stupidity in regard to virtually any subject. But sometimes the depth of that stupidity just goes beyond description. For example:

Today in a press conference Bush indicated that he was unaware that gasoline was projected to reach $4.00-per-gallon by the spring. Set aside for a moment the potential diatribe about how that's possible, and move on to the next comment.

Apparently, the solution to $4.00-per-gallon gasoline is to make his tax cut permanent. Again, set aside the potential diatribe about the merits of the tax cut and who it benefits, etc.

No, instead focus on this - the solution to $4.00-per-gallon gas is to maintain the status quo vis-a-vis taxes, during which status quo gas will hit $4.00-per-gallon. In other words, do nothing. Gas will hit $4.00 while the tax cut is in place. How, then, does continuing the tax cut help? Bush's theory is that it would be worse if taxes went up in a couple years, then, boy-howdy, wouldn't $4.00-per-gallon gas suck.

Newsflash Mr. President, $4.00 is unacceptable and unaffordable now, with the tax cut in place. Making the tax cut permanent will not alleviate the suffering caused by $4.00 gas. And I don't think anyone is worried that, gee, taxes might go up in a couple of years (which, by the way, they will - but that inevitability is a topic for another day). No, in a couple years we'll be worried about $6.00-$7.00 gas.

I seriously wonder whether we can even survive another 10 months of this clown.


Harold said...

Yeah, no doubt, Man -- some sort of tax cut is the GOP's answer to everything. I remember when Grover "let's drown the gov't in a bathtub" Norquist argued that the destruction of New Orleans can best best be handled by . . . a tax cut.

BTW, I listened to Bush's press conference on the radio this morning, and it sounded like he was on speed or something.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Republicans answer to everything is to give the richest top 1% another massive tax break. How is that supposed to help the middle class pay for higher gas prices and the rippling effect that those higher gas prices will have on everything else. The only time Republicans will even consider giving any help to the middle class is when it is election time. The little money they will throw our way in the form of a tax break in May will quickly be spent at the pumps for gasoline . The rich have no problem buying gas regardless of the price. Why do rich people require any help? They are the most powerfull most influential people on earth. Bush's massive borrow and spend policy to pay for the war in Iraq and tax cuts to his friends will undoubtedly cause taxes to increase for many generations to come. How else will we pay for the massive debt he has created. Like the last two Republicans Presidents, he spends trillions of dollars and leaves the bill for future presidents and American citizens to pay for. He has spent more than all the previous presidents combined. But, don't worry Bush, Rush and all his cronie Republicans friends will blame all this on the Democrats. It's Time for change! Dump all Republicans in 2008!