Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Oregon 42 - Okie State 31

Well, I missed that one.  I expected Oregon to dominate OSU for an entire game, rather than just a half.  At least it was during the second half, when it counted.

Over on the OSU boards, they're whining about the officials (who apparently scored 42 points on them, while beating the snot out of their quarterback and holding them to 31 points) and claiming (and I'm not making this up) that "the better team lost."  Seriously.  Blaming the officials is the last refuge of the genuine loser.  You're not good enough to win.  You're not good enough to even be on the same field.  So it must be the refs' fault.

This game wasn't even close.  Okie State lacked the athletes to compete with Oregon for four quarters.  They lacked the coaching to overcome the absence of their one playmaker.  They lacked the conditioning to stand up to a brand of speed and physicallity that is virtually unknown in the big-12 (little "b" intentional).

I have said it all year long - the only team that can stop Oregon is Oregon.  The first half was evidence of this as Oregon was unable to capitalize on big plays - not because of OSU's defense, but because of misfires on offense.  OSU's defense didn't change in the second half.  Rather, Oregon's execution simply improved.  Truly (and I know it's politically incorrect to say this about any opponent, but ...) OSU did not belong on the same field as Oregon.

I would have so preferred to see Oregon v. Oklahoma, and Florida v. Texas.  Oh well.

Good win by Oregon.  Nice to see Masoli lower the boom on defenders who think they're gonna make an easy pop on a QB.  I always get worried when Blount hurdles somebody - he's gonna break his ankle doing that someday - but damn it makes for good highlights.  Next year looks promising.  (And to think, we've all been whining about how un-good Oregon's been this year.  We suck).

Go Ducks!!

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