Sunday, January 06, 2008

This is news? Really?

So some American nut-job joins al-Qaeda, runs off to the land-o-sand, and then releases a video where he renounces his American citizenship, tears up his passport, and urges Muslims to attack Bush on his upcoming middle east trip.

CNN reports this as if it's news.

Seriously, did someone at CNN say "whoa! This American dude joined al-Qaeda THREE YEARS AGO and today we got a video of him tearing up his passport!" What, no video available today of Britney in a straight jacket?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the corporate media have marching orders from on high to really push this kind of stuff -- you know, to keep the fear factor elevated. But people are getting a little tired of it.

Giuliani's entire platform is based on sh!t like this, and look where it is getting him. It is so 2004, and folks are getting really tired of the old ways of doing things (mostly because the old ways have failed miserably).

And btw, I love how much grief Hucklebee is giving to the GOP establishment right now. The FauxNews on-air folks were downright depressed the other night after he easily won Iowa.