Thursday, January 03, 2008

Who has time to blog?

Jebus, it has been since mid-September since I've written anything. What have I been doing? (I mean, other than not blogging about anything).

I used to try blogging about politics, but it just pisses me off. How many times can I write about how everybody running for everything are pompous, vacuous gasbags who could just as easily be replaced with one of my daughter's countless stuffed animals. Would anybody notice?

I also tried blogging about sports, or about the UO. But that got too tedious - people who follow that stuff want more detail than I frankly care about. Plus, I don't know anything.

I tried reviewing movies, and that was actually a bit of fun, except I stopped going to the movies. I could blog about what I watched on TV - but that would just expose how much TV I watch.

I could blog about my day-to-day life, but not even I want to read about that.

The other thing that always pisses me off is how much time it actually takes. See, in my opinion, a truly thorough blog entry includes hyperlinks to whatever I've referenced. That takes time. But to make it worse, at least 20% of the time something happens and the blog doesn't upload, or the links don't take, and then the whole thing is lost forever - so I just quit. I really have no patience for writing something twice.

So, I guess I'll go back to blogging about stuff I don't actually care about, but who knows, maybe one time I'll write something that will stand the test of time and get me own show on E!, or maybe MSNBC.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, if you want to blog about movies, blog about this Harold and Kumar R-rated trailer (warning -- not suitable for viewing at work, or pretty much anywhere else for that matter).