Monday, August 08, 2005

Another Reason Budweiser Sucks.

This story kills me. Seems Anheuser-Busch, who makes that watered down psudeo-beer called Budweiser, donated $5,000 to the South Carolina state Republican Party. Now, that alone is funny. For although we can be sure that the S.C. Republican party panders to Budweiser-swilling rednecks in order to "get out the vote," I have a hard time envisioning their leadership really caring about beer (or psudeo-beer, as the case may be).

So, in any event, apparently the good folk at Budweiser wrote the check, then presumably helped themselves to gallons of their product, afterwhich they mailed the check to the South Carolina state Democratic Party, which promptly deposited the check.

How nobody noticed the check was made out to the GOP and not the Dems is itself confusing. Presumably the Dems figured, as Dems are want to do, that any hand-out is a good hand-out; and so what if it was for the GOP, those bastards hog all the cash anyhow.

Eventually the drunks at Budweiser sobered up, realized that "drink responsibly" relates to more than drinking and driving, and notified the GOP of their error. The GOP threatened to sue the Dems. The Dems relented, and refunded the money to the beer meisters.

Quote of the day comes from this story. When explaining why the Dems sent the check to the hung-over lushes in St. Louis instead of the lush-lovers in Columbia, the Dems said:
"Nobody should expect us to write a check to the Republican Party."

I would have paid to see the ads the GOP would have run after that!!

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